We hold tenaciously to the inerrant and infallible Word of God as found in the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments in the Holy Bible and embrace the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 as the most accurate expression of that system of doctrine taught in the Bible. That Confession is the doctrinal statement and position (Full Subscription) of this Association.
There was a small but growing rediscovery of the Reformed faith from a Baptist perspective in the early 1980’s in Southern California. Local pastors began to meet together in monthly fraternals to encourage one another and promote further study. As we continued to grow in our understanding, we saw that 26.15 of our Confession is best expressed by way of formal Association. Plans began to form a local Association. After careful work, the SCARBC Constitution was ratified at a special service on Reformation Sunday October 29, 1989, held at Sovereign Grace Baptist Church. Pastor Earl Blackburn (then pastor at Trinity Reformed Baptist Church) preached the charge to the three congregations (Centinela Baptist Church being the other charter member). To our knowledge SCARBC is the oldest continuously operating Reformed Baptist Association in the United States.
We continue to have combined Sunday Evening Worship Services at various locations about four times a year. We also work together on various projects and seek to strengthen one another in the most holy faith.
In our directory, you will find a list of our member churches with links. You are most likely within a half hour driving distance of a SCARBC church no matter where you live in the southland. Contact any of us for more information.